You can make a triangle out of just about anything, but the strength of a triangle is formulated in the combining of three basic areas; the components (sides of the triangle), the bond (what holds the joints together) and the environment (what governs its existence).
Think It Through
If you were to make a triangle with steel bars as the components, but bound it with bubble gum, there would be insufficient strength to withstand pressure. Likewise, if you bound a triangle with concrete, but used twigs as components, the triangle would not be able to endure the pressure that the environment inevitably brings. Therefore the components and the bond have to be not only equally significant but composed of a materials that have strong and resilient characteristics.
In relationships, the components are foundational characteristics of human beings and social interaction; trust, respect and communication. The bond, like an epoxy, is comprised of two elements (love and forgiveness) that have enormous power individually, but when combined, create an unbreakable union for relationships. The environment is equally important because it governs the basis of the components and the bond…choice.
The success of anything dealing with people boils down to one thing – their choices. Therefore understanding the importance of mutuality helps you realize your level of control over the relationship’s success. Even God in His omnipotent power will not force someone to engage in a relationship with Him. What makes us think that we can?